Engineering - Physics Double Major

The Engineering - Physics Double Major Option may be done as a 5-yr degree program leading to a double major in one of the major engineering subjects and applied physics. The total hours depend upon the engineering discipline chosen. The choice available gives students excellent flexibility, and a wide range of career options. The degree obtained labels the student as one who is well grounded in both the fundamental and practical aspects of his technological career choice. The engineering component is ABET accredited. Enrollment for the Double Major Option can be through either CEAT or the College of Arts and Sciences.


Examples of Double Major Combinations


Physics and Mechanical Engineering Double Major

Mechanical Engineering: 124 hours. All requirements as per the Mechanical Engineering degree sheet, with PHYS 3313 chosen as the College/Departmental Basic Science Option.

Physics: 18 hours. PHYS 3013, PHYS 3213, PHYS 3323, PHYS 3513, PHYS 3623, and PHYS 4113.


  1. The Physics degree requirements are from the Physics, Option in Applied Physics degree. The 17 hours of additional requirements and 14 hours of electives come from Mechanical Engineering.
  2. Substitute MAE 3223 for PHYS 3113; substitute PHYS 3313 for PHYS 3713.

TOTAL HOURS for Double Major: 142


Physics and Electrical Engineering Double Major

Electrical Engineering: 125 hours All requirements as per degree sheet in Electrical Engineering.

Physics: 21 hours. PHYS 3013, PHYS 3113, PHYS 3213, PHYS 3323, PHYS 3513, PHYS 3623, PHYS 4113.


  1. The Physics degree requirements are from the Physics, Option in Applied Physics degree. The 17 hours of additional requirements and 14 hours of electives come from Electrical Engineering.
  2. PHYS 3313 substitutes for PHYS 3713.

TOTAL HOURS for Double Major: 146


Physics and Civil Engineering Double Major

Civil Engineering: 136 hours. All requirements as per degree sheet in Civil Engineering, with PHYS 3013 for the Common Professional School Basic Science Group II requirement, and with PHYS 3113 substituting for ENSC 2213.

Physics: 18 hours. PHYS 3213, PHYS 3323, PHYS 3513, PHYS 3623, PHYS 3713, PHYS 4113.


  1. The Physics degree requirements are from the Physics, Option in Applied Physics degree. The 17 hours of additional requirements and 14 hours of electives come from Civil Engineering.
  2. PHYS 3313 may substitute for PHYS 3713

TOTAL HOURS for Double Major: 154